Tuesday, March 04, 2008


Yesterday my MIL had surgery on her knee. She got very sick after the surgery and was throwing up over and over. We decided we would stay at her house last night. The weather was suppose to get bad last night with possible tornado's. I was trying to get the girls clothes packed so we could spend the night at Kevin's moms house. I told the girls the weather was going to be bad with possible tornado's.

Brooke was going around all evening almost crying saying, " I'm scared of that tornado."
I tried to tell her that it was o.k that Jesus would protect us.
She talked about the tornado all evening. She talked about it so much that is was getting on my nerves. Nothing I said could convince her that there was no tornado. Finally I said, "Brooke do you even know what a tornado is?"
Brooke said, " I don't know." She thought about it for a minute and then she. " It is a storm."
I was finishing putting clothes in the suitcase when Brooke ran to where I was. She was in tears. She said, "Mom if that tornado comes, did you pack my toothpaste?" :)
I started laughing so hard. I could not help but laugh at her. Tooth paste???? Why would she even be worried about toothpaste. I told her that I had packed her toothpaste.
I thought that was the end of the tornadoes, but it was not.
All night long she would say. "Has the tornado came yet? When is the tornado coming? There is a tornado coming mommy."
I was ready to pull my hair out. We got ready for bed and we put Brooke on a little cot beside our bed. I was so sleepy. Brooke was wired. She would not be quite about the tornado's. She started all the same questions again. This time she added a question. "Why does tornado's come at night?"
We tried to tell her that they can come in the day time also, but that just because it rains does not mean a tornado is coming.

Every time we would start to dose, Brooke would say, "Is the tornado coming yet."

I don't think she really understands what one is. We finally had to warn her if she did not go to sleep and be quite that she was going to be in trouble. Brooke finally went to sleep.

We woke up before her and was talking. Suddenly Brooke woke up and the first thing out of her mouth was. "Did the tornado come yet?" :(

I think we are going to have to watch what we say around this child. She is scared to death over this and don't really know what it is.


Kelly said...

Seems like a common problem...in THESE here parts...

AlabamaBrands said...

You figured out why we don't usually talk about the weather with the kids- especially at bedtime :)

Melanie said...

LOL, oh my, poor you, I would end up telling her a tornado is a pink bear LOL Maybe she would shut up, or she would want to stay up just to see it? Uhm, poor you. Be careful next time!
Hope your MIL gets better soon :)

LucisMomma said...

Luci's the same way with thunderstorms. They scare her to death. She hates loud noises, so I wonder if it's the thunder that scares her--she loves playing in the rain.

So glad that the weather was not terrible last night!