Monday, March 17, 2008

New Names

The past month Brooke has gave us all new names. This started when we was playing house one day. Courtney, Brooke and I was playing and we all had pretend names. Mine was Ashley, Brooke's name was Amy, and Courtney's name was Elizabeth.
Many days after that Brooke would be talking to me and she would say, " hey Ashley, lets play babies."
The funniest name is what Brooke gave Kevin. She wanted him to play one day so she told him that she was going to be Amy and that he was going to be Carlos. CARLOS. LOL
Brooke calls us mommy and daddy, but many times she will say "Come on Carlos, lets go out side." Or she will call me Ashley. It is funny.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

LOL!! That's funny! Carlos is a spanish name by the way, when I was small all my boy baby dolls were called Carlos LOL