Brooke fell last night and busted her lip. It scared me so bad. She had blood all over her face. When I got to her my hand was covered in blood. I was not for sure where the blood was coming from. I saw the lip was busted, and I just knew she was going to have to have stitches. I was freaking out. Brooke's PJ's had blood on them, my shirt, had blood on it, and my friend was getting blood on her. I was so thankful that Kelly was there. She was so calm, and she helped me. There was so much commotion that I think we was scaring Brooke. My mom was trying to get ice, my sister was trying to get wet towels, Kelly was trying to get me to stay calm, and Brooke was crying and saying "Pray for it." Brooke knows that prayer changes things and makes things better. Kelly prayed and God helped us to know what to do. Kelly told me to hold pressure on the lip to stop the bleeding. I did that and it finally stopped bleeding. I changed Brooke's PJ's and rocked her to sleep. I ended up putting Brooke in my bed because I was afraid she would throw up if she had swallowed any blood. When she woke up this morning she was so pitiful. She was crying and her lip was all swollen. She would not eat. She kept saying " it hurt." By this afternoon she was all smiles and feeling better.
Nothing like a bit of excitement to chase the post-chocolate gravy slump away, eh?
All our hearts were beating faster after that awful thump.
Tell Brookie that her friend Libby has a boo boo now too. They can be pitiful together....Or at least play hospital or something :)
Poor baby. It looks like her eye is a little black too.
Brooke has a vein under that eye. Many people think it is a black eye. Some days it looks worse than others.
Poor baby! Good thing it was not worse! She is beautiful!!!
Poor Brooke. She still looks beautiful with a boo boo on her lip though!
awww poor baby. it's ok she's still smiling. she's so adorable.
aww I am sorry...it will heal fast. Faces heal extra quick.
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