Friday, February 29, 2008

Dust Dust Dust

I have learned over the past few days not to start to many projects at one time. This week we are having a new heating/cooling unit put in. We also started a project a couple of weeks ago. This project was to give the girls a new look for their bathroom. The girls decided they wanted ducks. The big thing was deciding a color. The shower curtain is very girly looking. I want the bathroom to have some light colors in it and not be just blue and yellow. Courtney wanted a blue bathroom. I wanted them to have green. Finally we did a color in between and went with a turquoise blue. The bathroom needed quite a bit of work as far as getting the walls ready for paint. Kevin had to put sheet rock mud on the walls and then sand them. He did that this week.

Now back to the unit. The men has been working on it for three days now. Yesterday the one guy had to cut a hole to put the unit. So between that sheet rock dust and Kevin sanding the bathroom, my house is full of dust. The floors are horrible.

There is so much dust on them. I can sweep it up, and it still is falling. It is going to take some major cleaning this weekend. I will have to dust cabinets, walls, and clean the floor several times to make it sparkle again. Along with all that the girls have had to sleep on pallets in the living room. They could have slept in their rooms, but we was afraid that they would be to cold. The living room and play room both have wall gas heaters, so the girls have been sleeping in those two rooms. I have blankets and pillows all over the floors. I would probably not answer my door if you came to visit. Seriously it is bad.

I also have Kids Kloset that I have been working on. So Brooke's room is a huge mess with clothes all over the place.

I know there is no reason to clean until the guys are through, because it will get right back dusty.

I guess you all know how I will be spending my weekend. I can't wait to finish the girls bathroom. I will take some pictures when I am through.

Well for now, I guess I will go breath some more dust.


mommy24treasures said...

I am sorry, we are always doing something to the house and I ahve had dust everywhere too, it can be very frustrating. I like my floors super clean and it was such hard work. Can't wait to see pics of the bathroom.

BASF said...

Sounds to me like it's a good idea that you're getting two dusty projects over with at the same time.

Seane-Anna said...

Hi Denna! Thanks for stopping by my blog God and Me and for giving me permission to reprint your poem, "Grace" on it. I'll have it up soon. Thanks again!

God's girl said...

WOW! You do have a lot of stuff going on! It reminds me of the work God does on our lives. First some stuff needs to be torn down and then rebuiding-the dust is everywhere! Then the final step is we get cleaned up and polished. Think of these things as you clean. This is an example of our lives and how God molds us more into His image! :)

I cannot wait to hear how things turn out. Thanks for visiting my blog. I just love the look of yours it is beautiful.
Much love.

AlabamaBrands said...

Welcome to my world of dust! :)