Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Night Time

Last night I let the girls sleep in the living room. We thought they would stay warmer this way with our central unit being out. We have a wall gas heater in the living room. Brooke could see into my bedroom. She would say " I see lou" (She can't say you)
I would wave at her and blow her kisses. This is our conversation.
Brooke " Can I sleep with lou?"
Me "No you have to sleep beside Courtney or in your bed."
Brooke starting to whine, " I want to sleep with lou"
Me " This is mommy and daddy's bed. Mommy and daddy sleeps in here, and you sleep in your bed or beside Court."
Brooke very sweetly says. " Can I share your bed with you?"
How could I resist that? I did resist it. Even when she started to cry. I quickly told her she gets to sleep by Courtney. Brooke finally got quite and went to sleep. She only cried for about 5 minutes. I had decided that I would put her in our bed if she kept crying. Shhh don't tell her that.
It was very hard for me not to go get her and cuddle with her when she said "Can I share your bed with lou?"


Melanie said...

aw, I couldn't resist her saying that neither! But you did good, she has to learn ;)
I hope you can fix the unit!
P.s: I know we haven't talked so much lately, my exams start next week :(

mommy24treasures said...

it is hard to resist such sweetness:)

LucisMomma said...

That is really sweet, I love lou!

I'm working on getting Luci into her own bed in her own room...eventually!