Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Do I have Friends

O.K Guys, I know I have some friends out there. Why don't you guys tell me when I spell something wrong? My eyes have really been bothering me lately because of some medicine I was on. I normally spell check my messages, but for some reason lately I have been doing them so fast and just have not took the time to proof read.

My dear, sweet husband is kind enough to read my blog and say "uh you spelled write wrong. I mean you spelled it like wright, but no you spelled it wrong. I mean it is write, not wright."

O.K are you guys confused.

He is also kind enough to say "it is no not know, or it is know not no."

He is also kind enough to say " you spelled restaurant wrong." I say no I know how to spell restaurant. I spell it and it is correct. I then look on my blog to see that he is correct and I did spell it wrong. See now he has got me where I say correct instead of right.

Are you guys as confused as I am? Oh well at least somebody is kind enough to let me know. Thanks Kevin.

Melanie don't you laugh at all this. You know this American girl can spell...... LOL That is a joke with me an Melanie. We will keep that our secret.


BASF said...

Just recently I was reading one of those advice columnists. A guy had written in trying to figure out why all his "friends" were avoiding him. He wondered if it might be because he corrected everything they SAID that was wrong.

DUH. I think he might have had an insight there.

When we can understand what you mean, you don't have to get it EXACTLY right. Besides that, friends do like Kevin; they correct you PRIVATELY so you can look your best PUBLICLY. (If you hadn't told on him none of us would know that he had corrected you. You could have just slipped in there and changed it and gone on.)

We're rootin' for you.

Melanie said...

Ahh Denna, It's time to admit you're getting older LOOL!!!!
I had a big laugh from this one LOL

Denna said...

Oh Mel, now you make me feel real good. Thanks girl....OLD, ha I feel it lately.

~*This Mama*~ said...

Hey Denna...I laughed ao hard at this post! I had a post a long time ago about Megabytes or something and I spelled it wrong, in the title of the post! Jef corrected me later on after he saw it. LOL I can't even spell the "R" word that you used in your post...the one Kevin said you spelled wrong. I usually don't even attempt it unless I know I have spell check! haha

Melanie said...

LOOL!! I was just kidding, oh my, I really laughed!!!!
Just like when my mom was trying to find her keys and for some reason they were in the bin LOL!!

LucisMomma said...

Most of the time, Denna, I don't see the wrong spellings. I do on the tv, when it is big and they should spell check! But frankly, I usually know what the word is and zoom right by it.

I will pray for your Durango to get fixed, and that those guys treat it right and do the right thing. Good for Kevin for keeping his cool, that can be hard sometimes!

LucisMomma said...

Denna, I also meant to say that I haven't been able to use the spell check on blogger for a few weeks--it just isn't working when I click on it. So give yourself a break, ok?

Denna said...

Thanks Susan. Mine don't work either.