Sunday, January 27, 2008

Sunday School Lesson`

Brooke is starting to talk more about China, and asking questions. I feel fear sometimes, because I know some questions are coming sooner than I am ready for. My fear is just that I want know the answers to some questions. As much as I want to think good of the life in China, there is just some answers I don't know.
I teach the two and three year old Sunday School class. Brooke is in my class. Brooke gets so excited when I do my lesson for her. Last night I had went over my lesson and Brooke wanted me to tell it to her. This lesson was about when Jesus got old enough to go to his Father's House and how they all took the long journey to God's house. When they got there Jesus went in and sat with the teachers and was soaking up everything he could. Then it gets to the part where it was time to leave and how Mary and Joseph thought Jesus was in the group ahead of them, and so they left and did not realize that they had left Jesus.
Brooke gets this look of fear on her face and she says, " They left him."
I quickly try to tell her that Jesus is in God's house talking with the teachers and that Mary and Joseph did not leave him on purpose. I did not think much else about the look on Brooke's face, until today when I was telling the children the story.
When I got to the part about Mary and Joseph going back home and not realizing they had forgot Jesus, Brooke starts talking in the middle of my story.
Brooke says, " That is just like me in China." I felt like crying right there telling the story. I quickly pointed to the board and said "No Brooke Jesus did not get left on purpose, see he is talking to these men about God." I pointed to the flannel board where Jesus was talking to the men, and continued my story. I am in such shock that Brooke would even think about being left in China. This story triggered something in her mind. I do have in her life book that her birth parents placed the infant at Jiaotong Rd so that she could be found. I never said anything about her being left. What I think is Brooke is a pretty smart cookie and she is listening to all my conversations when people are talking to me about China and about Brooke's adoption. People will say things like "China don't want girls. I heard they kill the girls, or why do they only leave girls?"
People are always asking me these questions. I think I might have to start saying that I can't talk about it if Brooke is around. I mean I just don't know what to do. I don't want her to feel like I don't want to share her story, but on the other hand she is pretty young to be thinking that Jesus parents was leaving him and associating that with China. Don't you think????
The look on her face was pure fear. I just don't know how to handle these situations . I guess it will take some extra praying for God's wisdom.


AlabamaBrands said...

WOW! I don't know how she thought of that!
Maybe you can remind her how YOU'VE never left her at church.
You're a good mommy to her Denna- I forgot to say yesterday- Happy Birthday to you too (your kids special day is your special day too!)

mommy24treasures said...

yes you def need to stop talking about it in front of her except positive good things.

I am adopted and I remember hearing my mom and always listening.

If you haven't you need to start trying to read books like Shaoey and Dot one of my favs is A blessing from above, mother for Choco, and there are many more if you do a search at tapestry books
you might find something. They specialize in adoption books. They have books for parents as well, everything is catagorized.

AlabamaBrands said...

We were listening to Adventures in Odyssey last week and one of the characters asked someone how they felt about being adopted. They said they always felt special that they were adopted b/c they were the "chosen one".

You went through a lot for both of your girls- they should both feel very special.

Denna said...

Thanks Heather. I think they are both special. I guess the main thing that I have not really thought about is how Brooke listen to everything. People will come up to me in town or people that knows me and want to talk about adoption. That is O.K, but I just need to remember that Brooke is soaking it all in. She is a special baby, and she is proud of her story from what little she understands. She will smile and tell people she is from China. All Children are special if you ask me. You have 5 little special treasure yourself.

9:45 PM

AlabamaBrands said...

yeah, I am kind-of partial to my kids ;)

LucisMomma said...

Brooke and Luci are on the same page as far as discussions go about China--it really stopped me when Luci brought it up.

mommy24 treasures is wise! I will have to remember not to bring anything up except good things in front of Luci.