Brooke has done VERY good about the gifts. Of course they are a temptation to her. I catch her ever little bit going over and touching them. I will hear the paper rattle and I just know she has opened one. She is only touching them though. The other night she would say, "Can I just hold one?"........ How could I resist that?
I took these pictures as she was touching the gifts. I had Brooke ROTFL. She was laughing so hard that I could not hardly take the pictures. I would ask " What is in that package?" She would guess. I would say, " Are you sure it is not dirty socks or a dirty diaper." She would fall over laughing saying "no, it not"
Then I would tease her about it being her friends dirty sock. It was a very funny time. All these pictures look alike, but I was snapping away every chance I got.
I had bought a CD for my nephew, and Brooke did not see me wrap it. Well she is over there admiring the gifts and wanting to rip the paper off so bad. She picks the wrapped CD up and she says very excited, " Mom, this feel like a CD. Hey mom, This feel like a CD."
I said ,"Well guess what? It is a CD."
Of course she was grinning from ear to ear.
Brooke is so excited about Christmas. She was jumping up and down yelling "This is going to be so fun. Oh this is going to be so fun momma"
Oh my! she's adorable in those pictures. I guess you can't wait to see her face on Christmas morning, I hope you take pictures for us to see (at least for me LOL). "No it not dirty socks" LOL
awwww... it is going to be fun! Wish I was there to see it!
so sweet, I know Brooke will have a wonderful Christmas. Caitlyn doesn't really understand much of it yet. When I hear the things you say Brooke does I think Caitlyn was most definitely younger than what we were told.
Denna, I saw what you posted on mommy24 treasure's blog about maybe not knowing Brooke's true age--I think you just have a very smart little girl in your house (and Courtney is so smart, too). Brooke does do things a child about 6-12 months older would do, but I think that indicates intelligence. Did the docs say anything about maybe her age not being right? They can tell when you got her by looking at teeth and some simple things like that. Was she in foster care? Luci was an orphanage child, and her nutrition wasn't good, so she was really small. If Brooke got better nutrition, that would make a big difference, too.
(that's my unofficial opinion) :) Love you, susan
Her Doctor has never said. I have never ask. I know when we got Brooke she had no teeth. Which I did pray that I could see some milestones with Brooke, and that was one thing I wanted to see, so I believe God just gave me my desire on that. I have often thought that most children have their first tooth by 10 months, so I don't know if I can go on that or not. I do think Brooke is very smart for her age. She is also very stubborn. LOL
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