Our morning was terrible. The pipe on our Hot Water Heater broke during the night. My kitchen, utility room, pantry, and my new play room was soaked. Water was every where. I got towels and started putting in the floor. Kevin got the Wet Vac and started getting water up with it. My towels was not helping at all. There was so much water that it would soak the towels, and still look like I had not touched the water. My dad brought a bigger wet Vac to us, and we was able to get a good bit up. The carpet in the play room is soaking wet still. We have tried to leave fans on it. We have also tried to Vacuum the water up over and over. We got a good bit of the water up when we discover another problem. Courtney's air was not coming from her vent. The water had leaked into the duct work of the air conditioner. We are going to have to replace that. There is tons of water under the house. I don't know how long the water was leaking. I dread seeing our water bill and electric bill. I am sure it will be very high. I am just thankful we was home. I know it could have been much worse.
I am very tired after wading in water a good bit of the day. I just hope that the pad and carpet in my new room will dry soon, and not leave a bad smell. We are going to call the carpet people tomorrow and see if they can come see what damage is done. I just hope it will not be to much.
Oh, I am so sorry! We had flooding once and it was not fun!
So sorry for your terrible day :(
OH NO! Soooooo sorry!
Sonya :(
I am sorry too...Hope your day turns around for good.
ohhh No!! that was not any fun at all!! Hope you do not have any future water problems!!
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