Brooke went to her first play date today. Sadie's mom called and wanted Brooke to come play. Brooke has had Sadie to our house to play. (top picture) Brooke has not stayed with people very much. I told Brooke that Sadie wanted her to come play. Brooke said "NO" I told her she would have fun. Brooke said "You stay to mommy?" I told Brooke that Sadie did not want me to play, that she wanted her to play" Brooke says " Courtney stay to."
I again told her that Sadie only wanted her. I was starting to worry that she would not stay. We got ready to leave and I told her that mommy would let her play for awhile and then come back later and get her. She seemed to accept the idea. Of course once we pulled up to Sadie's house Brooke was clinging to my clothes with a death grip. She was scared to death.
We got into the house and she seemed to relax once she saw Sadie and the other children. The children wanted to show Brooke their kitten. I thought that would be a good time to leave.
I called Heather and she said Brooke was doing great.
When I went to pick her up she said she had fun. She is sleeping now. I could not help but worry about her. I trust Heather. She is one of the sweetest, most patient people in the world. I wish I had as much patience as she has. I have always been overprotective of my children. Poor Courtney did not get to go anywhere when she was little unless I was with her. I was afraid to let her in the car with anybody. I thought they might have a wreck. I was afraid to let her go to the park, because I did not know if they would watch her as close as I did. Especially when people had 4 or 5 kids of their own. I was afraid they would forget about my child. I did not even want Courtney going off with her grandparents. I did not mind children coming to our house or to the park with us. I knew that I watched them like a hawk. I did not let them out of my site. I was so scared to let Courtney go anywhere. I think a lot of it was because of what we had been through to have her.
I am still the same with Brooke, but not near as bad. Brooke just don't want me out of her site. I am glad she had a nice time. I don't want to be as fearful with Brooke as I was with Courtney, but then again I am very overprotected.
We was going to Six Flags next week. I was going to leave Brooke with my mom. I started thinking about if we had a car wreck and got killed that Brooke would be left without us. I freaked. I decided to take her with us. It also did not seem fair for her to be left at home while we was having fun. The more I was out in the heat, I changed my mind real quick and decided none of us was going to go. Courtney was sad, until I told her she could have the money for the tickets that I would sale. She is already planning on a shopping trip. This Fall we might all do something, but I just can't stand the thoughts of leaving my girls right now. Kevin and I are planning on going somewhere for our 15th Anniversary in Dec, but unless I change my mind I guess my girls will be going to. God has really helped me with my fears, but I know I still need more grace on this issue. I feel silly for being so overprotected.
How did I get on all of this? Heather if you are reading this, Thanks for letting Brooke come play. She really did have a nice time.
She did SO good!! She really enjoyed playing with Sadie, Ashley and Alexis.
We'll just have to do it more often!
(PS we were looking for a few more six flags tickets....)
There is nothing wrong with being overprotective. Your children are irreplacable. Brooke sounds a lot like Mia in that she worries when you are not around. There may be some abandonment fear, but it does get better with time. She needs to feel safe and secure, and pretty soon the girls will be grown and gone. Enjoy your time together as a family!
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