I am trying to catch up on some post. I have to many to catch up on. This was the night we went to the rodeo. The girls loved it. Brooke had been excited all day. If you ask her where she was going, she would say "I go see cowboys"
Brooke would scream and yell "go, go, go" She would clap. She loved it. The only part she did not like was when they roped the calf's. Brooke would say "that mean."
I know we will be going again.
Courtney also loved it. She took her friend, Emily with her. They was screaming and yelling. Kevin said to them " Hey girls, if you don't calm down we are going to send you back there with your parents." Of course he was teasing. I am glad they had fun.
My daughter Nicole use to live in her red hat!!! Cute!!!
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