Happy Birthday Bro. Cornwell. We love and appreciate you.
Bro. Cornwell is a wonderful pastor. So many times he reminds me of Jesus. I can just imagine how Jesus was, because Bro. Cornwell is so much like him.
Bro. Cornwell has compassion on people. Jesus had compassion on people. Bro. Corwnwell loves the little children. He takes time for the children. Jesus loved the children, and took time for them. Bro. Cornwell knows all the children's name is our congregation. We have a lot of children, so that is a lot of names.
He has been a Huge Blessing to us. He was such a Great comfort to us, as we was on our journey to Brooke. When Brooke first came home she was shy. Brooke has got now, where she wants to go say hi to Bro. Cornwell. She could not say his name so she would call him Corn. One day in church she said " There is Brr, Corn" She started waving at him. Of course he did not see her, because his mind was on other things at the time. Brooke started saying Cornwell the past week. Courtney ask Brooke who she loved the other day. Normally she says "Mommy" She shocked us all. She said " Brr. Cornwell" We thought that was really sweet.
Courtney has also always like Bro. and Sis. Cornwell. Children never forget how people treat them. (Good or bad)
Courtney has always been impressed with, Bro. Cornwell's sweetness. Bro. Cornwell has always been this way. LONG before he became our pastor.
Above all these things mentioned, he has been faithful to God. He has stayed saved.
Happy Birthday, Bro. Cornwell.
Denna, Kevin, Courtney, and Brooke
Happy Birthday!!!!
That was such a sweet post!! I hope Bro. Cornwell gets to see it! He reminds me of Jesus too. It is such a blessing that we have such a wonderful pastor! Your post was a blessing too, thanks for sharing!
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