Thank you all for you prayers and your kind words to our family. The funeral was last Monday. My family wanted me to read a poem about my grandmother. I did not know if I could with out crying. I prayed for God to help me and he did. I was able to read the poem with out breaking down. It was a sad time for us, but we was able to think on the good times, and that helped.
We had made reservations a while back for camp meeting. Many people think of camp meeting as tents, playing volleyball, and eating hot dogs. This is not a camp meeting like that. This is a church camp meeting where we go and we get to see the many saints from all over the U.S.A who believes like we do. We get to hear the minister bring messages to encourage our souls and lift us up. We get to hear people give their testimony's on what God has delivered them from, and what God has healed them from. We get to see a body of people who have sweet unity and fellowship. Unity is a sweet thing in the Beautiful Church of God. It does not matter what color your skin is, the saints love you. I find it truly beautiful to see the saints come together and have such sweet unity. You don't see the ministers or the people fussing and fighting. You get to see a people who is living holy, and living a life that is pleasing to God.
Sometimes it is hard to describe. It is something you have to see for yourself.
I really felt I needed this camp meeting. I needed to go. The devil does not want us to receive a blessing. The devil did not want us to go to camp meeting. So many things came up the past month, and the devil was there trying to discourage me from going.
Kevin's truck had messed up and it was going to cost us around $1600.00 to fix it. We was able to find somebody who did it for under half that price. It still was a good bit of money, and the thought was coming to me not to go to camp meeting because we did not need to spend the money. I kept praying and saying "I need this camp meeting" I had been going through some tough things with just every day life, and I needed something to lift me up.
There is other things that came our way that the devil tried to hinder us from going.
Once I made up my mind that I wanted to go to camp meeting, my grandmother became very ill. When the family was called and told the bad news, the devil was right there telling me that I was not going to camp meeting. I started praying for God's will and for God to help us to be able to go. God did allow us to go, and I received such a blessing. I was tired because of the stress from different things, and also Brooke was a very big mommy's girl. (That is for another post)
Once we got to camp meeting we desired to give a love offering to help with the meeting. Money was also taken up for some work that was being done in New York. Kevin ask me what we needed to give. I told him a amount I thought. As soon as I was thinking about the love offering the thought came to me, ....why give that amount? Here it is all the bills are waiting on you when you get home and you guys need that money. Whew....where did that thought come from?
I knew that was the enemy talking. As soon as that thought came another came just give and you will be blessed. Of course the devil wanted me to think about Kevin's truck, our electric bill which was higher than it has ever been, and the thought that we had to order gas for the winter. I cast the thoughts aside and just kept thinking on the thought from God. "give and you will be blessed" That is exactly what God did for us.
When we came home I opened up our mail and there was a small check from Brooke's Doctor where they owed us some money. We did not even know they owed us any. This gets better.
Yesterday Kevin went to the mail box and there was a check from another source that we had no idea that we would get. God blessed us and gave us a extra special blessing. I got tears in my eyes as I thought about what God did. God knew those checks was coming and we had no idea.
The checks together covered our trip, the love offering we gave, and we had extra. God is so good to us.
I had to share the special blessing that God gave us. Maybe tomorrow I can update with some pictures.
That's so great! I am struggling now with ideas about "if I am hearing God" or not. I love reading that you went and also gave and that God already had the check in the mail to meet your need. This is what I need to hear! Thank you for posting it!
praise God Denna! That is a wonderful testimony. God is soooo good and faithful.
Have a wonderful week
Denna, that is a wonderful post! So glad you listened to God and not Satan as you made plans to go and to give. You are a terrific lady and so glad that you were blessed so mightily!
love you, susan
That is wonderful!!
I'm so glad you went, and you had a good time and It helped you, because I know it did.
Hugs to you.
I can't stop thinking about Brooke saying "I love Mel, she's my best friend" LOL
Melanie :)
We DO serve a faithful God!
Praise Him!
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