Saturday, September 29, 2007

Fun Friday

I survived with one hour of sleep last night. We started our Friday off very good. We had a free day with school. Kevin took Courtney bike riding on the Greenway. Courtney would not let her dad take a camera. I have no pictures to share. You see Courtney never was interested in riding a bike until the past year. With us living in the country she only has grass to ride it on. Kevin was nervous about taking her to the Greenway, but he said she did great. They rode for about 2 miles or more, and Courtney only had two wrecks. LOL "ONLY "
Bless her heart, she has skinned elbows and her hands are messed up. She also has a Huge bruise on her leg, and some skinned up places on her side. Other than that, she had a great time with her daddy.

Brooke and I met Sonya, and Katie Lin at Chuckie Cheese. I have not had time to download my pictures yet. You can go to Sonya's blog to see a few that she has. After Chuckie Cheese we went to Katie Lin's house so her and Brooke could play. They had a really fun time. Sonya got a splinter in her finger from one of the toys that the girls was playing with. So Sonya and I had to dig that out of her finger while the girls played. It was not a small splinter either.
Brooke and I finally left. I had a 40 minute drive home. I was looking forward to getting a small nap when I got home. Brooke fell asleep within 5 minutes after we left, so I knew my nap was out. We got home at 3:00. I was going to bake some brownies for later that night. I discoverd I had no eggs. I did not want to get back out. I went to the store and bought the eggs and came back home.....tired.

My Friday night plans turned into a lot of fun. The young boys from our church, had a camp out with their dads. Most of the people in church have boys, so it left many of us ladies home alone. We don't have boys, but Kevin worked last night. Heidi and I decided to play some games at her house. Of course Kelly and I wanted to teach her the game Tuck. We ended up with 7 children at the house and 4 adults. The children did great. All of them ended up going to bed except Courtney and Alicyn who would stay up as long as they could. I did not get in bed until 1:00. My mom played Tuck with us also, so I decided to spend the night at her house. I never do that, and I probably will never do it again. Her house was so hot compared to mine. I had Brooke in the bed with me, and she tossed and turned, and hit me in the face. I could not sleep good because I was afraid Brooke would roll off the bed unto the hard wood floors. I had put pillows down, but I was still nervous. Heidi wanted me to go to some Yard Sales with her. I have not been to Yard Sales in a LONG time. She said she was leaving at 6:00. There was no way I was getting up and leaving that early. WRONG>WRONG>WRONG................. I only slept one hour. I could not sleep for some reason. I tossed and turned for ever. Finally I got up at 4:00 and decided I would go with Heidi. I am glad I went. I had a great time, and got some good bargains. I bought Brooke a tricycle, for $5.00. It was a metal one. ( Very pretty.) Brooke loves it. She can reach the petals great. I also got me a bubble gum machine on the stand for $5.00. I was glad to find that. Anyway that is my Fun Friday. I have a huge headache and my eyes are very red from lack of sleep, but I would do it all again.


Melanie said...

wow! Seems like you had a great time!
Poor Courtney, but guess she had such a great time with her daddy.
Haven't talk to you lately! I saw the pictures at Sonya's blog, love the one of Brooke in the star glasses.
She's so cute!
I'm glad you had a nice time.

Sonya said...

So glad you guys came over!!! Brooke and Katie Lin are sooooooo cute together!

Hope to see ya again soon,
