Thursday, May 01, 2008

Three Year Old Picture

My baby is growing up and it makes me sad. She looks so grown up in these pictures.
The quality of these pictures don't look good on the blog. The pictures are very good. I am seeing lines in the pictures on the blog. I think that must be a protection from the photographer so people will not copy them. The pictures I ordered from her are VERY good and the quality is GREAT.
Cindy from Mitchell Photography did these. If any of you locals want her number let me know.


LucisMomma said...

Lovely, Brooke!

Are the photos really expensive? I still don't have any official photos of Luci (or the boys either, for that matter) except from Walmart. I'd like to do something "real" with all three. It's have to be someone local to me, though.

Ashton said...

SHE IS BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I loooooove the pix!!!! :o)

Ohilda said...


Brooke is stunning!!



JinXiu said...


What amazing pictures. Brooke looks so grown up. She is stunning.

Happy Birthday again


2China4Ayla said...

Brooke is such a beauty. Love these pictures of her.

Hope for Lucy said...

These pictures are wondeful. are such a pretty little girl.

Green Party of Four