We have a real problem in our house. We have two computers, but only one is hooked to the internet. Courtney wanted to start a blog. She pleated with me for so long that I gave in. :(
I figured it would not hurt to let her start one. Boy was I wrong. She wants to post every second of the day. She wants to read all my friends blogs. She wants to leave comments to all our friends. Which means I don't have much time for me on the computer.
Courtney and I race to get to the computer. Poor Kevin has to push us both out of the seat to even check his messages. That is another problem. Kevin wants on the computer also. You see it is MY computer and I don't really like to share it. LOL Teasing.
Courtney wanted to start this blog yesterday. I think we spent a hour trying to set her a blog up. She changed her mind a dozen times on what she wanted it called. Every cute name we came up with was already taken. I said " Well you are a chatterbox so I guess we could call it that" Chatterbox was already taken. So we came up with
bamachatterbox. Courtney was not thrilled with the name, but everything she came up with we could not use. I think she likes the name now. She really is a chatterbox.
The first blog name we came up with was brown eye girl. We set that up and Courtney decided she did not like that because is sounded like she only had one eye. So I tried to change it to Brown eyed girl. That was already taken. I knew when she wanted to change it the third time, that I was in trouble. I refused to change it again.
Yesterday Courtney was busy typing a post. (Which she is very slow at) That is another problem. I end up having to help her. I have supper on the table and I tell Courtney that supper is ready. She is like "Oh Mom let me finish this post. I just got started." I said "O.K." That was a mistake. Kevin, Brooke, and I ate, while Courtney posted. By the time Courtney came to supper her potatoes was cold. The whole time we was eating I kept telling Courtney that her food was getting cold. Kevin thought it was funny. He says "Now you know how we feel when we are waiting on you to get off the computer.":(
I have always gave Courtney time on the computer when she finishes school. She listens to Odyssey Stories everyday. That takes 30 minutes. Now that she has started a blog, I have to figure out how to push her out of the seat and me jump in the seat.
I thought today would be better and I could get a few things done. Courtney worried me to post all afternoon. She wanted to load this picture and that picture. I think I got 10 new gray hairs today. She is at a friends house tonight. If she was here I am sure we would be pushing each other out of the chair. Kevin is playing with Brooke. Bless his heart. He don't have a chance to ever get on the computer with us girls. Brooke has even got to where she likes to sit in the computer chair and play with the keyboard. She gets very upset when you remove her from the chair. I have to do school with Courtney and try to keep up with house work. I am not able to spend as much time on the computer as I used to. When I do want to use the computer I don't like to have to dump Kevin and Courtney out of the chair. I told Kevin the solution is to get internet hooked up to Courtney's computer. That could be a problem also. For now the computer is in our living room and I can see everything that Courtney is on. I trust Courtney on the computer. I am just afraid of the pop ups that could come up. Also one wrong letter could put her on a site that she don't need to be on. So I guess for now we will just push each other out of the chair. Actually the blog is good for Courtney with helping her write for school.
This is why Morghann doesn't have one!!
You need a laptop!! HA!
There's a LOT to be said for a network! Don't know how we'd function with just one computer hooked up to the internet!
And I agree with Heather - you really need a laptop! They're awesome! You can take it into the kitchen and post while your dinner is cooking. Not that I would ever do that...
We have 2 desktops and 2 laptops and sometimes that's still not enough. lol For the most part though it is sufficient...lol And yes.. I would reccommend getting a wireless network... It is so nice to do everything on my laptop on my bed.. lol It's great! Love you guys!
Boy do I know the feeling...Erin has been after me FOREVER to start her blog and I finally promised her that after campmeeting I would...she loves reading everyone's blogs and usually is standing over my shoulder while I'm on the computer...it does make for a little friendly competition!
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