We had a twilight bark last night. I think every dog in the neighbor hood was barking. I could not sleep. Lately we have had tons of dogs show up at our house.
I think the problem is I have three female dogs in the pen.
I have had Shelties for years and never had the problem with other dogs hanging out at our place. It could be the fact that we had a male dog in the pen. I am not sure.
Several months ago we had a dog show up at our place. She is a sweetheart. From day one she has been very good with the kids.
We figured somebody dropped her. I am not for sure why because she is precious. We adopted her into our family.
Then one of my dads hunting buddies, had a beagle that he did not think was going to make a good hunting dog so he wanted us to have her. Of course we took her also. Kevin about flipped. He said one dog had to go. Of course he quickly changed his mind when he saw how sweet they all are.
I know some of you are wandering about the puppies we got several months ago. Those did not work out. They got so big and was so hyper that we just could not handle them with the girls. My dad got them and gave them to his Hunting friends. They found a good home.
The three dogs we have now are small and will not get big so that is nice. They are all very good with the girls. Brooke is not afraid of them.
The past two weeks we have had this little dog come up to our house. He looks like a miniature pincher. He is scared of his own shadow. We can't get near him. I started feeding him because he was so skinny and I felt sorry for him. Well he has made our house his home and we don't want him. He keeps using the bathroom all around the kids swing set. One day he got in my fence with my dogs. We was able to catch him and put him back outside. Our plans is to set a trap and catch him and call the pound. If anybody wants to take him in and try to make him happy please let me know soon.
I let my beagle out yesterday and her and the little black dog was hanging out together. Brooke got all excited and she said. "Oh they are friends. They are hanging out together mommy. I think we are going to have some puppies." Don't ask me where she came up with that. I think she has been listening to Courtney. I am afraid we are going to have puppies if something don't happen soon.
One of our dogs keeps getting out of the pen and running off with these big dogs. I think we finally got all escape routes fixed, but for some reason all these dogs want to hang out around our fence. I never knew females could be so much trouble.
Last night I felt like getting rid of all the dogs. Every one of them and all the neighbors dogs was barking. For two hours I got woke up from this. I don't have pictures of all our dogs, but maybe I can post them one day and let you see our beautiful family. LOL
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